
Privacy Policy

What are cookies

Cookie” is a text file that can be stored in a dedicated space on the hard disk of the device used by the user (e.g. computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) when the user visits the site through the chosen browser, and may be subject to user consent, unless it is a technical cookie. The cookie allows you to identify the device in which the cookie is stored for the entire period of validity or registration of the cookie.

The cookie allows you to identify the device in which the cookie is stored for the entire period of validity or registration of the cookie. Cookies can be used to make the use of the Site easier and to better adapt it to your interests and needs. Cookies can also be used to help speed up your future experiences and activities on our site, in order to allow you rich and personalized access to essential services, as well as to provide others that could improve your visit.

We also use cookies to compile aggregate anonymous statistics that allow us to understand how people use our sites and to help us improve the structure and content of the sites themselves. We trust that this maximizes user confidence in relation to the services offered. However, it is possible to change the settings relating to cookies at any time. Below is more information about cookies and how to manage their settings.

What type of cookies do we use?

Technical cookies

These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of the site, they allow people to browse our websites and take advantage of their features. Examples include storing previous actions (inserted texts) when returning to a page during the same session. These cookies do not identify you as individuals. If you do not accept these cookies, the rendering of the website, or sections of it, may be impacted.

Cookie Analytics

Cookies in this category are used to record information on the use of the site. We will use this information regarding aggregate statistical analysis in order to improve the use of the website and to make the content more interesting and relevant to the wishes of the user. This type of cookie collects anonymous data on user activity and how it arrived on the Site. Analytical cookies are sent from the site itself or from third-party domains. (view “Third-party cookies”).

Functionality cookies

These cookies allow our websites to remember the choices you make (for example, your username, the chosen language or the region in which you are located) to provide you with a more personalized online experience. The information that is collected by these cookies may include personally identifiable information that you have provided, for example your name. We will always be transparent to you regarding what information we collect, the use we make of it and with whom we share it.

It should be noted that only for technical cookies it is not necessary to acquire the user’s consent.

We make use of suppliers (Google Analytics) who can also set cookies on your device on our behalf when you visit our Sites, in order to allow it to provide the services they are providing. Any links to third parties or advertisements on our site may also use cookies, by clicking on the link to a third party’s site or on an advertisement the user will be able to receive these cookies. We cannot control the collection or use of information by these third parties, whose cookies are not subject to this Privacy Policy.

However, you can refuse consent to their installation by connecting to the following link on the third-party site: Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on

How can I check or delete cookies?

You can refuse any type of cookies and you can still browse our site. You must know that continuing navigation by accessing another area of ​​the site or selecting an element of the same (for example, an image or a link) implies giving consent to use of cookies.

Most internet browsers are initially set up to accept cookies automatically. You can change these settings to block cookies or to warn you that cookies are sent to your device. There are several ways to manage cookies. Please refer to the instruction manual or to the help screen of your browser to find out how to adjust or change the settings of your browser.

If you disable the cookies we use, this could affect your experience while you are on our site, for example you may not be able to visit certain sections or you may not receive personalized information when you visit the site. If you use different devices to view and access the Internet Sites (for example, computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.), you will need to make sure that each browser on each device is adjusted to reflect your cookie preferences.

Choices available through the browser

You can configure your browser to allow cookies to be stored on your device, to automatically reject them or to reject some of them. It is also possible to configure the browser in such a way as to display the request for acceptance or refusal of cookies before the cookie is installed. Per maggiori informazioni, si veda la sezione sub c) “How to exercise choices in the browser”.

(a) Acceptance of cookies

The user can decide whether or not to accept the installation of cookies on his device. The user is free to make his choice and to modify it at any time through the settings of the browser used on the device. If the browser is set to accept the installation of cookies on the user’s device, the cookies used by the visited web pages will be temporarily stored in a dedicated space on the user’s device. They will be readable only by those who install the cookie.

(b) Refusal of cookies

In the event that the user chooses to refuse the installation of cookies on his device, or in the case of removal of already stored cookies, it will not be possible to use the necessary functions to navigate within some sections of the Site. It is the case, for example, of some content or services that require you to log in for access. Furthermore, in relation to technical compatibility, it may be impossible to recognize the type of browser used by the user on his device, the default language or the country from which the terminal is connected. If the browser is set to refuse the installation of cookies on the device, we assume no responsibility for the reduced functionality of the services resulting from the failure to authorize the conservation and display of the information necessary for the full functioning of the Site and the services.

(c) How to exercise choices in the browser

Each browser offers different ways of managing cookies and their settings. The browser configuration is described in the “Help” menu of the toolbar located in most browsers, where information is provided on how to change the cookie settings.